MegaBlock Plaster Mortar

Which is a cement-based ready-to-use rough plaster that can be applied by hand, can be used on ceilings and surfaces indoors and out- doors.

  • The container in which the mortar will be prepared must be clean and clear of the remnants of the previous mixture.
  • Attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the water and materials used.
  • The mortar must be prepared at the rate of 25 kg Megablock Plaster Mortar in 6-6.5 liters of water
  • Water is poured into the container first and then the powder is sprinkled slowly. It is mixed until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  • A low-speed mixer should be used for the mixture to become homogeneous.
  • After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, it is rested for 5-10 minutes for the mortar to mature.
  • It must be mixed again for 1-2 minutes before starting the application.
  • After the mixture becomes homogeneous, absolutely no powder, water, or any other substance should be added.
  • The mortar is applied to the surface to be applied with a steel trowel and plaster shovel.
  • The application thickness should be at least 10 mm and a maximum of 30 mm in one layer. If the second layer is required, it should be applied without taking the first-floor socket.
  • After 5-10 minutes, gauging is done.
  • When the mercury becomes unmovable when touched with a finger, it is corrected with a trowel.
  • Approximately 30 minutes after the correction process, the surface is slightly wetted, sponge trifoliate is made and the process is finished.
  • In terms of the strength of the plaster, the surfaces should be watered within 7 days after the application depending on the ambient conditions.
  • The prepared mortar must be consumed within 2 hours.
  • The expired or crusted mortar in the container should be discarded.
  • After the application, hands and application tools should be washed with plenty of water. Consumption; Approximately 10-12 kg / m2 (for 10 mm thickness)
Dry Bulk Density: 1450 ± 300kg/m3
Dry Bulk Density: Çizelge 2 T1 ≤ 0,54 W/mK (P=%90)
Compressive Strength: CS IV ( ≥ 6 N/mm²)
Bond Strength: 0,3 N/mm² FP: A
Capillary Water Absorption: W0 (≤ 0,5 kg/m2.dk0·5)
Water Vapor Permeability Coefficient: ≤30μ
Fire Class: A1
Temperature Resistance: -30°C ile + 60°C arası