We always fulfill our responsibility by disposing of waste products in accordance with the law, we are committed discovering and developing to the most innovative solutions for the use of recyclable raw materials together with our customers and to offer the production of environmentally oriented products.
Our company is designed to comply with ISO 9001 and ISO 14000 to effectively meet health and safety protections.
ISO 9001 specifies the processes, procedures and responsibilities required for the determination and implementation of quality policies and targets that support the goals and objectives of our company.
ISO 14000 is a series of international standards on environmental management.
The development and support of the environmental management system provides a framework for the audit program.
OHSAS 18001 is the "Occupational Health and Safety" standard published by the British Standards Organization (BSI). It is mandatory by law to make workplaces healthy and safe for employees. Occupational health and safety management system is an international standard that will help to fulfill this obligation. It applies the Mega applies the OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System in all its facilities.
Mega Yalıtım Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety (CISG) principles; contains the basic requirements determined to keep our employees, business partners and visitors safe. It is expected that these principles will be accepted and implemented by all parties involved in our facility.
This management system has made it possible for employees to have a safe and healthy working environment.
Mega Insulation always keeps the importance of occupational health and safety on the agenda of its employees.